Jill Homan
has a vision
For Johnston’s Future
When a mother can say to her child, “You can make a great living right here at home. You can receive the highest quality education, start and grow that business, or operate the farm, find a well paying job, and live all right here in the county.” That is what guides me.
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Jill Homan
Jill Homan is a mom of two, a conservative, a Christian, and a business owner. She worked for John Deere Corporation in Cary, then went to business school and public policy school at Duke University. Today, she runs a real estate company focused on investing in communities in need, including many communities in North Carolina.
Jill has devoted the last 25 years to fighting for the Republican Party and conservative candidates. She has held leadership positions at the national level for the party, and last year was asked to serve as a national Trump surrogate. Jill was proud to answer that call--campaigning and fighting for Donald J. Trump.
Jill is active in her community, the Johnston County Republican Party, the Johnston County Republican Women, and has coached her daughter’s soccer teams.
Jill Homan
On The Issues
We have over 1,000 farms in the county, representing the 4th highest crop production in the state. Our agriculture industry faces significant challenges, including uncertain labor sources and the impact of global pandemic on the supply chain. We must protect and support our two great resources: our farmers and our agribusinesses.
Less than half of children in our region read at grade level. We must address this crisis in our education system. It starts with giving all parents - regardless of family background - more choice. That competition will make our school system stronger. In addition, our high schools should be working closely with Johnston Community College to train students for good-paying jobs.
Workforce Training
A strong workforce is critical to attracting high quality jobs to the community. With institutions like Johnston Community College, we have opportunities to provide more non-credit and training programs designed for the future workplace. Moreover, we must reduce the regulatory burdens to starting, sustaining, and growing businesses locally.
Public Safety
We have seen the result of soft-on-crime leadership in cities across America over the last two years. Governor Cooper and Attorney General Stein even put caps on the number of people in our prisons, regardless of the number of crimes being committed. Governor Cooper also released thousands of prisoners during the Covid pandemic, and the state lost track of many of them. As your senator, I will demand answers as to why Governor Cooper is putting our safety at risk and introduce legislation that disallows the governor from ordering another mass release.
Jobs & The Economy
On average, Johnston County residents commutes at least 30 minutes to work, often outside the county. With inflation and rising gas prices, that means less take home pay for the families in the county. I support improved workforce training, lower regulatory hurdles to attract high quality jobs in the county. Shorter commutes to jobs in Johnston County also means we’re spending less time on the road, and more time with family, and more time supporting our local community.